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Home - Steyr PCP rifles 16+joule air weapons
STEYR Hunting 5 5,5mm/.22 (40joule)
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Code: 4415N40
Producer: Steyr
Price with VAT: 2 143,00 EUR
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The 5-shot air rifle for hunting!

The new HUNTING 5 embodies, like all STEYR air rifles, the benefits that are brought about through decades-long experience and manufacturing of highest quality compressed air weapons, using high end materials. The magazine allows five quick shots in aiming position and gives maximum safety, as the pellet is fired directly from the magazine. With a removed magazine, no diabolo remains in the breech. The HUNTING 5 function is the same system as the LGB1 Biathlon Rifle, which even in the midst of winter, gives robustness and extreme reliability.


5-fold STEYR quality:
Prellschlagfreies System
Bounce free system
Simple loading, pellet direct from the magazine
Maximum safety. No projectile/diabolo remains in the weapon after the magazine is removed
Additional external safety
650 mm barrel for maximum performance and longer compressed air cylinder for higher capacity
Ergonomic thumb-hole stock made from nut wood
Several options:  Depending upon calibre (.177/.20/.22) available with an energy up to 40 joule